See Chest Items in Pop Up
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Fix the chest to inventory UI and trade UI
Jung Ri
Please fix the chest to inventory UI and the trade UI. It's annoying having the close and open the huge inventory everytime we trade or put something in the chest. It's one of the things that frustrate me and I think pixels would be a lot better if those quality of life changes were implemented.
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Allow the opening of bags to work automatically
Fred Luchetti
Now, when I open a bag I have to close it before opening another one. Could we just design the bags to auto close when another bag is clicked on to open it? That would cut down on a lot of clicking.
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Quickfix to make storage alot less painful. It would be nice to quickly glance over whats in, but thats for the future. In a sea of chests being able to quickly see if they are full or not and which you have open when window is open, would ease the pain alot.
And for the love of god, remove 2 page chests. make the window bigger. mobile friendly jada jada jada, if thats the answer to that question. Make a mobile version and pc version in settings.
ANOTHER thing. When right clicking from backpack to chests it always make half stacks full stacks before making a fresh stack. But when you right click from anything(silo,storage) to backpack it never makes a half stack full stack before making a new stack. Please fix.
And please make Escape button close the backpack if no other window is open.
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Ability to Drag storage window
With the new increased bag system, it's hard to sort items while the bag overlap the storage window and keep minimize, so either move the storage window to the top of the screen or make it movable.
Also a lock button for backpack, . It keeps dropping when storage box is open. Its useful and annoying somtimes
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Hover Text/Title in small storages
Gino Gallego
Hover Text in small storages for us to know what's inside. And can we also add sorting capabilities in storages :)
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Hello. I have a suggestion. See the complete interior of all the chests we have.It is very difficult to look at all of them one by one
Hello. I have a suggestion. Instead of looking at the contents of our boxes one by one. It would be more logical to see the entire piece or the inside of 5-10 pieces at the same time. Even though I have 13 chests, I spend a lot of time finding the products I have. sometimes I can't find it. Among the landowners I visit, I see people owning 100's of ballot boxes. It's really hard to find something we're looking for. We already have the crates, it would be easier to see inside and choose products or put products in the gaps. It will be an innovation that everyone will love
Chase P
This + labels = perfecto
Or labels
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